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Dispatches From The Fellows
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Our Fellows may be scattered all across the world during this global pandemic, but they are still united in the values that characterize the Fellowship. In these unprecedented times we find ourselves in, the values of the Fellowship have a newfound importance. This summer our Fellows have continued to pursue education, serve their communities and promote worthwhile causes. 

Charlotte (First Fellow): Over the course of these few months, I have hugely enjoyed writing for an online interdisciplinary magazine. It’s allowed me to interact with and bounce ideas off of university students across the world, making me appreciate St Andrews all the more whilst we are away. I’m grateful at how it has helped me develop new skills over the summer, and in echoing the Fellowship’s social mission. 

Caroline (Second Fellow): For the past 8 weeks, I have spent my time interning at a non-profit based in my hometown of New York City called YAI. The organization provides support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through healthcare, education and aid. I am virtually interning within their Human Resources department and have spent my time re-structuring their internship program and aiding in communications to their supporting departments. The experience has taught me that I am motivated by seeing people learn, develop and grow which has driven me to continue exploring Human Resources as a career path.

YAI is similar to the Fellowship in its methodology of not just giving back and helping those in need, but also in advocating for each and every individual. I hope to bring my transferable skills from the experience this summer back to St. Andrews this year to improve our volunteering program and our events for town members and students.

Ali (Treasurer): Over the summer, I was stuck in the Caribbean island of St. Kitts and Nevis, where a local business who previously distilled spirits turned to produce hand sanitiser to donate to local hospitals. As a small sort of help, my sister and I offered to help bottle some of the finished products before they were sent off to the hospitals!

Elle (Director of Social Media): Being at home this summer, I've worked to appreciate every moment with my family and community--feeling privileged to be with family and able to hug, feeling grateful to live in a safe and conscious place, and feeling deeply appreciative of how everyone is so caring of one another. The movements within my town to help alleviate the hardships of those most impacted by Covid-19 have demonstrated the power of community: from painting rainbows on the window of every shop, to delivering relief food boxes to hundreds of homes. I have served in any way I can, and I have learned to appreciate every little wonderful thing amidst such global chaos.

Natalie (History Fact Coordinator): I have been busy developing a few projects for the Fellowship that will take place in the upcoming academic year. Currently, I am working with the St Andrews Preservation Trust in order to produce two projects: The Art and Craft Exhibition 2020, which showcases the work of local artists and makers; and the Digital Heritage Project. For the latter, a group of Fellows and I are researching archives in order to build a picture of what the town’s harbour was like from 1821-1921, and how it developed. The last project I’m organising is a photo exhibition of the people of St Andrews titled: “Where Town Meets Gown”. Through the storytelling of current residents and exploring the University’s photographic archives, I’m hoping to create a final piece that shows the diverse range of experiences in this small town!

Jos (Social Secretary): For the past couple of months, I have been working as a sailing instructor and have been teaching under new and strange rules. Sailing has provided a much-needed escape from lockdown for children and adults alike.

Mary Helen: This summer I have been home in Charleston, South Carolina, which also happens to have the third highest number of COVID-19 cases in the word currently. So, I have had to shift my summer plans a bit. I have been interning with a construction management firm called Greenby3. As an intern I have been designing a hydroponic greenhouse for local schools that will give students an interactive learning experience about modern agricultural methods and sustainability. I have also been surfing a lot with my family and appreciating the beautiful place I live in!

Abigail: In late April I began volunteering at my town’s emergency management agency (PEMA). The agency’s main priority was the health of the town for COVID-19, specifically in whether people believed they need immediate assistance or future assistance. I was responsible for data entry and organization as well as making wellness calls to check in on people (for assistance, or just to chat). It’s been really a really great and eye-opening experience for me.

Celine: The past month I have been able to take online classes in subjects such as moral philosophy. Through these classes I have been able to learn about how to view human behaviour and interactions. I am in St Andrews and have been taking frequent walks and appreciating the summertime here.

Alex: I have been interning at a non-profit project with a central focus on the past 100 years in Iran in a variety of areas such as banking, film, music, sports, religion etc.  This project emphasizes the importance of critical reflection on the past 100 years in order to better understand the future. Working at this project has introduced me to new ways of thinking. 

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